Thursday, July 24, 2014

Subscribe in a reader / Sermons are hosted here. Barring the intervention of our Lord, 31 Aug was my last Sunday as pastor of Gowen Baptist Church. The deacons requested a meeting with me Sunday evening to tell me they had discovered I was Calvinist in my beliefs. They revealed to me that they are free will fundamentalists with a touch of neo-orthodoxy regarding their view of the Bible. They asked me to resign - I told them I had done nothing wrong and would wait on the business meeting scheduled as its usual day, which will be this Wed, 3 Sep. Pray for me and them.


  1. Praying for you brother. Their loss!

  2. Thank you, Jim. They met with their members Monday evening and on Wed evening they would not let me meet with the members. They apparently used Mon evening to convince the members with Paige Patterson's false views of Calvinism to vote me out. The deacons have paid little attention to what I told them before and after they asked me to serve.

    I am unashamed of what I've taught them. There are none so blind as those who will not see; none so deaf as those who will not hear. May God have mercy on them.

  3. just shaking my head... wow. This is horrible behavior by a congregation (yes, I blame the congregation for allowing these deacons to buffalo them, just as much as the deacons who mislead them).

  4. I grieve for them, not that they don't see eye-to-eye with me, but that they would rather follow Bill Graham, Paige Patterson, and their sinful hearts than consider what God has clearly revealed in His Scriptures.
