Showing posts with label discernment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discernment. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Accidental Similarities?

Stuart L. Brogden, March 2008

This is the tale of two organizations with eerie similarities in how they evolved through the years. One is fictional, the other quite real. As far as we know, these similarities are not intentional, though this author believes in a Sovereign God – meaning there are no coincidences.

Nobody knows for certain the origin of either organization. Both entities appeared in time and “history” was filled in after the fact to varying degrees. They gave rise to charismatic, authoritarian leaders whose power was rarely challenged. Each leader provides communications to the respective “collective”, insuring each “drone” has the official message, disregarding any information that may contradict it regardless of veracity.

The first encounter locals had with either resulted in the same outcome: death or being assimilated. With each assimilation, the conquering organization was changed, having taken on various characteristics of the culture it conquered. As time went by, the original culture of each organization resulted in something that was not true to either their beginnings or the cultures from which they assimilated new converts.

They each proclaimed that they, alone, represented the best hope for civilization – claiming to be the only legitimate culture into which all would be assimilated or disposed of. Each left a path of wreckage and death in their wake, blind to the needs of outsiders and blind to the errors of their ways and beliefs.

Here now, is a concise comparison between these two cultures. My goal is to make clear the old truism: truth is stranger than fiction.



The Borg

Roman Catholic Church


The Borg Queen is the focal point within the Borg collective consciousness and a unique drone within the collective, originating from Species 125 –which brings "order to chaos".

A pope takes the place of Christ, allegedly tracing his authority back to the Apostle Peter and demands unquestioning obedience to “ex cathedra” statements and dogma, redeeming cultures and ruling the world.


Drones have no individual identity, taking orders for life and work from the hive. The collective is the highest priority.

Local churches and parishioners must follow the catechism, dogma, and liturgy issued by Rome. The papacy and its priesthood is the highest priority.



The Borg expands to myriad worlds. Inferior life forms are assimilated or destroyed, as the Borg seeks to expand its reach and purify the collective.

The RCC expands to myriad countries, assimilating bits of each local culture into its religious practices, destroying that which does not submit to Rome.

Perspective – toward others

The Borg consider themselves as the highest evolved life form, advancing toward their ultimate goal of perfection, as they see it.

The RCC sees its doctrine as the only correct religion, evolving with each new pope’s personal proclamations. Those who disagree are “anathema”.

Key Doctrine

We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

If any one saith, that Christ, given in the Eucharist, is eaten spiritually only, and not also sacramentally and really; let him be anathema.

Self Image

As part machine, ever increasing in machine content, the Borg tend to be very envious of certain human characteristics, yet unable to admit it.

Roman Catholics, ever bound up in man-made religious traditions, branch out by worshiping various images of people precious to them, whose visages are unknown. Tortillas are a common media for this phenomenon.


The Borg find themselves repeatedly unable to soundly and with finality defeat Earthlings, whose individual ingenuity seems to be the unbreakable biological element. The Borg ridicule the humans who refuse to submit, but cannot subdue them.

Despite centuries of tireless effort, the RCC has been unable to squelch or destroy the Word of God or the true church founded on and by the Lord Jesus Christ. The RCC slanders those who hold to what is commonly known as the five solas, who refuse to allow the rule of man to supersede the Word of God.

The end

As far as we know, the Borg Queen was destroyed by Commander Data in Star Trek: First Contact.

We know full well that all who oppose the true Christ are defeated and He will save the elect and cast His enemies into Hell.

Note: No sources are listed, as fans of the Borg know their stuff and likely are not put off by this little article and Roman Catholics have their own sources and would not condescend to read anything I might suggest. So this document stands on its own, as my personal perspective, not needing to be defended against the Romans nor explained to the Reformed.

With the Pope's latest visit to the US, I've begun to notice certain similarities between him, and Batman...

1. Both use an assumed identity.

2. Both costumes include headwear.

3. Both costumes include a cape.

4. Both assisted by young boys.

5. Batmobile/Popemobile

6. Both control vast economic empires, handed down to them by a previous "father figure."

7. Both live in huge mansions.

8. Both have dark events in their pasts, which they would rather not discuss.

9. Both have an aging English butler, who's been in the family for decades.

10. Batsignal in the sky over City Hall summons Batman. White smoke in the sky over the Vatican summons a new Pope.

11. The Batplane/Popeplane

12. The Batcave/Underground Tunnels at the vatican

 Let it be known that I do not hate Roman Catholics. I hate false doctrine that denies essential Christian Truths whether it is proclaimed by Catholics, Hindus, Episcopalians, Southern Baptists, or my own self. For this a Truth – God (by this I mean the Great I AM of the Bible) alone is without false ways.

All blessing and glory and honor and power be unto the Lamb of God! Christ is risen – He has conquered sin and death and saved His chosen ones by His grace, lest anyone boast in the flesh.