We tend to judge our circumstances by expectations that have been set - one way or another - in our minds. This is not the way a child of God should live.
One beggar telling other beggars, here is the heavenly bread, even Jesus, Who is the Christ!
Monday, April 8, 2024
Monday, February 26, 2024
Genesis 45-46:7 - No More Deception
When we see things properly, we will put a stop to the lies, distrust, and deception that marked us as people of the world.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Genesis 43 - Tension in Life
Everyone has tension in their life - what should the Christian do about it? The problem and the application, from Scripture.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Genesis 41:37-57, The Favor of a King
Leonard Ravenhill: “The greatest miracle that God can do today is to take an unholy man out of an unholy world and make him holy, then put him back into that unholy world and keep him holy in it.” Not sure if I can agree it’s the greatest miracle God can do today, but it is truly a remarkable thing that He does. This is how Joseph was kept during his time in Egypt; this is how Daniel was kept during his time in Babylon. This is how you and I are kept during our time in this culture, which presses on us from every direction to go along, not be such a stick in the mud, pretend sin is actually what pleases God. This is the only way we can walk in love towards one another – the holiness of God is hand-in-glove with His love for us whom He has raised up from spiritual death. Biblical love is other-focused (God and His children), not self-focused. Fleshly love is self-obsessed, selfish, toddler-like.
If you have not Christ, your motive cannot be right. Jesus must own your heart for you to praise Him. Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart. Turn to Jesus – He will give you rest.
Brothers and sisters, let us FIX our eyes of faith on the risen Christ – He is our only hope in life and in death. Those favored by the King of kings have much to rejoice over – may He tune our hearts to sing His praise.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Genesis 40 - In This World You Will Have Trouble
We are seeing how the life of Joseph, prefiguring Christ in so many ways, was not always comfortable and enjoyable. As it was with the Lord Himself, with many trials and much tribulation, so it was with Joseph and will be with every one of His children. Joseph had been lifted up at Potiphar’s house, he is now put down in prison. He had no idea if or when or how he would be rescued again. It’s part of God’s purpose in our lives, to show us trouble as a help to remind us this world is not our home. The promised One would tell us, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) There is nothing we cannot bear, knowing that Jesus has overcome the world – we are His.
Monday, December 11, 2023
Genesis 38; The Lion, not the tribe
Genesis 38; The Lion, not the tribe.
Gen 38:1-11 Trouble in the Tribe
Gen 38:12-19 Things Get Worse.
Gen 38:20-23 The trap is set
Gen 38:24-26 The Noose Tightens
Gen 38:27-30 Providence Revealed
Monday, October 23, 2023
Genesis 34 -Depravity and Decption
This chapter is a sad scene, reflecting poorly mankind. It should serve us as a reminder of how desperately we need the Holy Spirit to will and equip us to do what is right. For sin lurks at our door, seeking to master us.
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Distrust Among Brothers - Genesis 33
It's tempting to look at biblical "heroes" as people who had victory over their flesh; set before us as object lessons in morality.
The truth is that no mortal human is presented to us in Scripture as a hero. The greatest of men is weak and sinful. All are given to us to remind us of our need of grace from the only man who conquered sin and death.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Genesis 29:31-30:24; Discord in the Family
Two things present themselves in this passage: 1.) God is involved in the lives of His people, and 2.) people are by nature sinners: jealous and self-interested. What should we learn from this, what instruction has this same God given us in our day? Unity, not uniformity. Serving one another, not self. Keeping our focus on glorifying the Lord in all we do and say. And yet we see in Scripture, saints falling prey to the same selfish ambition revealed in our passage.
Diversity in gifting for unity in service; this is our calling in Christ. Not diversity in perversity for celebrating debauchery; this is the call of the world.
The world tells us we need to think and speak as the world
or we are hateful bigots. The Lord Jesus says don't think too highly of self
but also to hate evil and love truth. This is why the world hated Him and will
hate us.
We are to outdo one another in love, which covers a
multitude of sins. This does not mean we white wash sin; it means we do not
focus on sins against us but on loving one another in spite of personal offenses.
Forgive 7x70. Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ - He
bore our burdens on the cross!
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Monday, July 3, 2023
Genesis 27:41 - 28:9 Man's Will and God's Will
And in the preview picture, it looks like I have a bad case of gas.
Monday, May 29, 2023
Genesis 26:18-35 When Others Draw Near
People draw near to us for many reasons - we must be wise in the ways of God to respond properly.
In this passage, envious herdsmen draw near to Isaac, YHWH draw near to Isaac, the Philistine king draws near to Isaac, and Esau does likewise. How should we respond to these types of encounters?
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Genesis 26:1-17; Like Father, Like Son.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Genesis 22 - Trust and Obey
Many years ago, J.I. Packer said, “The Christian moto should not be “Let go and let God” but “Trust God and get going!” Trust and obey.
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Genesis 21:1-21 Promise, Joy, & Conflict
No matter our circumstances, God is working out His plan. We can trust Him. We SHOULD trust Him.
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Genesis 20 - The God of Providence
God has decreed and we can rest on His faithfulness. If He promises something it will be done - either by His own arm or through means.
Monday, January 23, 2023
As in the Days of Noah, Genesis 18:16-33
People will scoff at the idea that there is a God, deny that He is returning as the Bible declares. No matter what trouble comes, including the end of the world, God will not allow any of His children to perish. Knowing this, we should be known by our holy conduct and godliness as we live at peace with Him and one another; in our families and in our local assembly. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. (Matt 24:37)
Sunday, January 8, 2023
No Substitutions - Genesis 17:15-24
When man tries to follow his own wisdom instead of God's in the conduct of God's plan, he is sitting in judgment on the Judge of all. God allows no substitutions in His providential or redemptive plans.
Sunday, December 25, 2022
God Doesn't Need Our Help - Genesis 16
As with Sarai, the timing might make no sense. As with Hagar, the circumstances might be intolerable. As with Mary, the situation might be beyond possibility. We may not have a word from God telling us what’s going to happen in our case. The counsel is still “trust in the Lord.” We don’t have to change the world, just trust in Him. He is our Creator, He is working out His plan. And through us He will show the world Who He is – the great I AM!
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Faith and Righteousness, Genesis 15
A lesson from Genesis 15. The title is taken from verse 6, which I believe is a hinge-point in Scripture, showing the truth of the gospel.