Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Chapter 10 - Peace with God

The next part of Isaiah 10 shifts gears - again. In our previous study we read how YHWH had judged Assyria such that there was so little left a child could count the trees. I was reminded of an old Peanuts comic strip, Lucy and Linus were outside on a dark night looking at the sky. Lucy wondered aloud how many stars there were. Linus, looking up, said, "more than ten." That's about the limit of a small child counting. Assyria fell from a powerhouse kingdom that ruled a good bit of the world. This is nothing in the hands of Creator God.

Now we see a focus on "that day" - which was seen as near term by most in Israel but is mostly eschatological. Isaiah 10:20 (HCSB)  On that day the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no longer depend on the one who struck them, but they will faithfully depend on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel.

Jews saw the two kingdoms becoming self-sufficient again. Isaiah is telling us all who are in YHWH's true kingdom (the REMNANT) will no longer fear man but will rightly fear God and trust Him.

We know from the biblical record that ethnic Israel never turned back to YHWH as described here.

Isaiah 10:21-23 (HCSB) The remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the Mighty God. Israel, even if your people were as numerous as the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will return. Destruction has been decreed; justice overflows. For throughout the land the Lord GOD of Hosts is carrying out a destruction that was decreed.

Note again - only a remnant will return, only a remnant will be saved (see Romans 11:5-7). When Jesus comes the second time, He will judge the nations, eternal destruction will consume them.  This is what He has decreed.

Isaiah 10:24-26 (HCSB) Therefore, the Lord GOD of Hosts says this: “My people who dwell in Zion, do not fear Assyria, though he strikes you with a rod and raises his staff over you as the Egyptians did. In just a little while My wrath will be spent and My anger will turn to their destruction.” And the LORD of Hosts will brandish a whip against him as He did when He struck Midian at the rock of Oreb; and He will raise His staff over the sea as He did in Egypt.

YHWH's people who dwell in Zion - the mountain of peace with God, not to be confused with Sinai, the place of unbearable law-giving - will not fear man. Man can only kill the body - we who are on Zion are secure. God tells Israel that even if Assyria decimates them as did Egypt God will ultimately turn His wrath to them and bring sure destruction to Assyria - just as He did at Oreb (see Judges 725) and Egypt when He destroyed them in the see.

Brothers - Christ is our sure rock of refuge. Our world is certainly growing more crazy each week - showing us AGAIN not to put our trust therein. We who are in Christ sit with Him in the heavenlies (Eph 2:4-7), dwelling on the Mount of peace, Zion. This world is not our home, so we ought to weep when it is ravaged by those who belong to it. We must be on guard that we don't see our wealth as barns (Luke 12:13-21). Be not anxious for what you will eat or wear, for your Father in heaven knows you need these things. Seek His kingdom - proclaim the gospel to every creature - and He will provide all your needs. For most of us, he provides work. So work and provide for your own and the household of God.

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