Monday, November 25, 2019

Brogden's Books

A famous preacher once said that the eye never tires of seeing something new. While new books by new authors can be valuable sources of insight and encouragement, we are poorer if we neglect the saints who went before us, when persecution was a constant threat.

Brogden’s Books is my humble effort to bring some older works back to life, in modern English and style, for the 21st century reader. These books will cover a variety of topics, doctrines, and periods in history - in paper, Kindle, and ePub formats.

Please check back from time to time to see what’s new - from the old, dead guys who faced many of the same issues we do, and have far fewer tools to work with while researching and writing.

Pick up and read!

Here are the first three books offered:

The History of the Sabbath, Peter Heylyn:

Gospel Blessedness of the New Covenant, Thomas Collier:

Ill News From New England, John Clark:

This book isn't old and the author ain't quite dead :-)

New book, #3 in Baptist Reprints: A modern English version of the 1st London Baptist Confession, published in 1644.

Paperback here: and Kindle here:

Book #4: Jean Perrin's History of the Ancient Christians.

Book #5: Reformers and their Stepchildren by Leonard Verduin.

Book #6: Plaint Teaching on the True Gospel, An Introduction to Menno Simon

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